Welcome to Honolulu City Dates

Monday, February 25, 2008

TAPA BAR (At Hilton Hawaiian Village)


(At Hilton Hawaiian Village)

Never would have gone there if it weren’t for out-of-town (former Hawaii residents) who were staying there. But the Hilton Hawaiian Village is a fun place to hang out—complete with shops, art galleries, great dining, and even fire works (on Friday nights). The Tapa Bar, in particular, is a relaxing place to lounge with friends and listen to music by local musicians.

David and Kamuela were playing a pertinent song the night we visited the Tapa Bar called, “She’s Grumpy and It’s My Fault.” Given that Valentine’s Day had just passed, it was easy to spot which guys in the audience had screwed up—the ones sitting next to the girls pointing at them.

From the Tapa Bar, it’s a quick walk out of the Hilton Hawaiian Resort and onto the beach, where a board walk takes you over the sands, past the Hale Koa Hotel, towards the new Waikiki Beach Walk and alongside Waikiki hotels and restaurants.

Cost of date: Pizza split with numerous friends and one Mai Tai ($8.00 each) —not bad

Do’s and Don’ts on this date: Do kick your shoes off and take a walk on the beach. Don’t climb the fences or life guard stands.

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